GMS Graphic File Converter

The GMS Graphic File Converter is a command line utility to convert images from one format to another. I built this to use for making batch conversions of textures for UT2004, but it will work with any of the supported formats.

This application requires the MW Graphics dlls to be installed. I am forbidden by license agreement to distribute the dlls, however you can download them here:

A big thanks goes out to Martin Wright for providing these awesome dlls! 🙂

File Cleaner

File Cleaner will delete all of the files in a directory and its subdirectories that are older than a particular date. It is useful if you need to cleanup older files in a directory structure. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you run the application in simulate mode and check the log PRIOR to “cleaning” a folder. The log file will show all the files that will be deleted, and you should verify that this list does not contain any files you do not wish to remove. Deleted files will NOT be sent to the recycle bin!

Tree Pruner

Deletes all files but not directories

Tree Pruner will delete all of the files in a directory and its subdirectories, but will not remove the directories themselves. It is useful if you need to delete all the files in a directory structure, but want to preserve the directory structure itself.

NOTE: Please read the documentation before using.

Cache Cleaner

CacheCleaner is a small utility program which will clean up your Internet Explorer temporary files (your cache) This program does not support Netscape or other browsers not based on IE.