GMS Graphic File Converter

The GMS Graphic File Converter is a command line utility to convert images from one format to another. I built this to use for making batch conversions of textures for UT2004, but it will work with any of the supported formats.

This application requires the MW Graphics dlls to be installed. I am forbidden by license agreement to distribute the dlls, however you can download them here:

A big thanks goes out to Martin Wright for providing these awesome dlls! 🙂

UT2004 Screen Capture Converter

The UT Screen Capture Converter is a small utility program which will automatically convert bmp screenshot files made by UT, UT2003 or UT2004 to smaller jpg files. You can convert and leave the files in your system folder, or convert and move them to a directory of your choice, or just move them. You can also rename the default sequential names with a name representing the date and time the screenshot was taken. Very handy!

No installation is necessary. Copy the contents of this zip file to the system folder in your game directory. The application is self-configuring.